
Global Search Crm

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Global Search

A single search bar to quickly navigate

Quickly get access to the required information to bring efficiency and improve overall productivity.

Unified Search Interface

Swiftly get the required data or information using Global Search, bringing efficiency and increasing productivity.

Quick Data Filtering

Using Global Search, effortlessly apply advanced filtering queries to reveal module or data type-wise search results.

Seamless Data Visibility

Retrieve the required data or get relevant search results helping to navigate toward the required module or subset.

LionO360 CRM

Increased data accessibility

Enable your workforce across your departments to instantly access the required information, data, or insights. Eliminating the data gathering dependency on others, LionO360 CRM allows you to instantly retrieve the required data by applying the applicable custom queries.

LionO360 CRM

Simplified navigation across the site

Instead of navigating through the process across the system, LionO360 makes things smoother and more efficient through direct navigation toward the required module, data, or insight. In turn, it empowers people in your organization to directly retrieve, access, and leverage the required data or information.

Boost Productivity Today with LionO360 CRM

The first complete business management software for small business with CRM, Inventory, Accounting, and much more.

LionO360 CRM

Enable quick system adoption

With minimal training, enable your workforce to instantly start using the newly upgraded system promoting efficiency and streamlining the end-to-end workflow.

Using LionO360 Global Search, users can easily navigate toward inside module functionality to access the required information, track or monitor the process flow, or take necessary actions depending on user permissions or hierarchy.


Automate Your Business with LionO360

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