
How ERP is Transforming Supply Chain Management

ERP System

Worried to reinforce your warehousing and logistics operations, or managing procurement and manufacturing is the biggest challenge for you? Then definitely you are compromising in terms of your effective production plan. But yes, implementing cloud-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) with supply chain management capabilities can help you acquire greater supply chain resilience.

So, let’s get an overview of how integrating supply chain management capabilities in your ERP system can help you streamline your supply chain process which helps drive efficiency and cost control.

As we all are aware, supply chain management could be critical in the lack of the right tools and tactics. Hence, this blog is drafted to perceive how ERP is transforming supply chain management. To understand how ERP can help you streamline your business processes, read our recent blog.

With ERP implementation, you can simplify and automate your inventory management, drive effective sales & marketing campaigns, and gain real-time visibility across your processes to make informed decisions. You can even manage your workflow, provide seamless support to your customers, and more. Moreover, a single integrated dashboard can be leveraged to track and monitor what is happening across your organization and what is next to be done.

When it comes to managing moving activities, such as processing raw materials to be converted into finished goods and then ensuring seamless customer delivery, supply chain management comes ahead. Thus, moving ahead with how ERP is transforming supply chain management.

As per the recent survey performed by Gartner- “Supply chain leaders need to invest in technologies enabling supply chain strategy. This could also help to optimize technology innovations that promote business growth and optimize costs while mitigating the associated risks.

How ERP is Transforming Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management is considered an integral part of ERP, adopted and leveraged by every scale of business globally. ERP facilitated with supply chain capability helps manufacturing and distribution units to gain greater visibility across their processes which in turn helps to accelerate speed, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.

So, when we talk about supply chain management, businesses need to interact and collaborate with numerous suppliers and partners to acquire the required resources to be turned into finished products and distributed to the market. Here, ERP plays a crucial role as it helps integrate data, people, and processes across your organization.

Here is how ERP software solution is transforming supply chain management:

Inventory Management

Opportunity Management CRM LionO360

When you deal with large inventory stock, you need to have end-to-end information on your inventory flow from knowing the actual inventory level across your warehouse (such as quantity on hand, available to sell, available to pick, committed on order, etc.) to inventory that are already shipped or about to reach to customers.

Having access to all such information mentioned can help you better manage your inventory flow and warehouse data. It also enables you to ensure seamless and timely movement of products. Here, ERP implementation helps you with extensive inventory tracking and monitoring to better control your inventory level while eliminating the stock out and overstock conditions.

With the right inventory management system, you can track the items that are either low in stock or out of stock as well as who is responsible for managing this whole. Thus, it makes things easier especially when new purchase orders are being placed, impacting the overall efficiency of your purchasing department.

Real-Time Reporting & Analytics

Opportunity Management CRM LionO360

Generating reports and analytics manually could be a time-consuming process as well as imbibe the opportunity for errors. Further, leveraging reports with the possibility of errors or inaccurate information cannot lead to the right decision-making. However, leveraging cloud-based ERP systems facilitated with AI (Artificial Intelligence) or ML (Machine Learning) algorithms can help you gain real-time access to relevant data and an end-to-end supply chain process in your organization.

For instance, this information access can help people in your organization to track the supply chain and monitor the inventory flow which in turn helps decision makers to make data-driven decisions impacting the operational efficiency.

Greater Visibility

Cloud-based ERP systems can provide an integrated view across your supply chain wherein you can track and monitor everything you need and can stay updated with the information you need using a personalized dashboard helping you to quickly make informed decisions related to ordering and purchasing activities.

Leveraging visibility across your supply chain can help people in your organization to identify the potential issues that are interrupting the flow of your supply chain and logistics operations. Here, a cloud-based ERP software solution can help your supply chain professionals to stay updated with real-time status of each supply chain process or activity enabling them to respond to the customers in a timely manner. Eventually, this will help to ensure increased customer satisfaction as well as improved retention.

Seeking to Transform Your Supply Chain? Choose LionO360 Cloud ERP

Seeking to simplify your inventory management, upgrade your reporting capabilities, enhance your global visibility across your supply chain processes, and even more? It’s time to upgrade your system capabilities to level up your supply chain efficiency.

With LionO360 cloud ERP implementation, you can upgrade your system capabilities to effectively ensure collaborative planning, maximize supply chain efficiency, and address customer demands while minimizing costs and improving the production line.

To ensure smoother logistics, LionO360 ERP system is equipped with in-built shipping capabilities whereby your ERP system can be configured with your logistics partner like FedEx, EasyPost, ups, etc.

Implementing a cloud ERP software solution at LionOBytes can help you level up your business performance with enhanced supply chain capabilities. To know more, LionOBytes can help you to transform your supply chain management, connect with our experts today.

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